Duties of Officers
- Outgoing officers shall be available for consultation and training to incoming officers for a time period of 6 months after their term ends.
- Performs as the principal spokesperson for the Organization.
- Presides at all meetings.
- Appoints Directors.
- Coordinates communications between the Organization and the public.
- Submits an agenda to the Secretary for distribution prior to meetings.
- Performs other duties as associated with the office President.
- Maintains a notebook of usernames and passwords for organizational accounts.
- Submits an annual Lobbyist Disclosure Form to the General Assembly.
- Performs the duties of the President in the absence or inability of the President.
- Succeeds to the Office of President should the office become vacant during an unfinished term.
- Serve as an assistant/aide to the President.
- Perform such duties as may be delegated by the President.
- Manages all Facebook groups and Groups.io messaging system.
- Each April, verifies any upcoming vacancies for MAB positions. If vacancies exist, emails a call for 3 CPMs to submit an application for the MAB position(s.)
- Records the minutes of the meetings of the Organization.
- Disseminates a copy of the minutes of all meetings to the membership.
- Maintains a Policy Handbook for the Organization, which includes the currently adopted Bylaws.
- Facilitates newsletter production with contributions from the Officers, Directors, Regional Reps & the membership at large.
- Keeps records of the Organization’s budget.
- Prepares financial reports as needed.
- Maintains the Organization’s bank account(s).
- Pays the lobbyist monthly.
- Collects membership dues.
- Files annual postcard with IRS.
Director of Education
- Schedules educational opportunities, workshops.
- Notifies membership of workshops.
- Submits education budget.
Director of Public Relations
- Liaisons with public, MWAB, BOM, EMS, Physicians, PAC, lobbyists, etc.
- Proposes legislation with the guidance of the lobbyist and Board.
- Creates & disseminates press releases.
- Submits advertising budget.
Director of Membership
- Contacts new midwives.
- Receives New memberships.
- Updates Current memberships.
- Coordinates Elections Committee.
Director of Regions
Coordinates Regional Representatives.
- Northern
- Tidewater
- Central
- Western
- Mountain Southwest
Director of Professional Accountability
- Conducts internal State Peer Review for any midwife receiving a complaint or having a poor/bad outcome.
- Attends all Board of Medicine midwifery disciplinary hearings, conferences or other meetings.
- Supports quarterly Regional Peer Review efforts.
- Coordinates the VMA-CPM Guild
Director of Access & Equity
1. Coordinates with director of education about scholarship opportunities.
2. Compiles list/resources for students, midwives, people of color and LGBTQ people in the state of VA.
3. Reviews VMA literature/website for gender and race neutral language.
4. Researches other midwifery organizations that have implemented access and equity programs.
5. Coordinates periodic events highlighting representation and address disparities.