Position Statements on Homebirth

Position Statements on Birth Setting and Normal Birth
Planned Births at Home and in Freestanding Birth Centers by Pregnant folks
under the Primary Maternity Care of Midwives
A number of prominent professional organizations around the world support home births and births in freestanding birth centers for those with uncomplicated pregnancies.

For example, they conclude that “there is no reason why home birth should not be offered to birthing people at low risk of complications and it may confer considerable benefits for them and their families. There is ample evidence showing that laboring at home increases a person’s likelihood of a birth that is both satisfying and safe, with implications for their health and that of their baby.” – The Royal College of Midwives (RCM) and the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (RCOG) 2007

Publications on Birth Setting by US-based institutions:

Additional Position Statements on Birth Setting:

Position Statements on Normal Physiologic Birth:


Cochrane Reviews are systematic reviews of primary research in human health care and health policy, and are internationally recognized as the highest standard in evidence-based health care.