Join VMA
Memberships are renewed annually in January and deadline for receipt of payment is January 1.
Pro-rated membership fee available for first-time, full-voting midwife members. Pro-rated fees are calculated quarterly. Email our Director of Membership (membership [at] virginiamidwives [dot] org) to arrange for a pro-rated membership fee.
Membership Fees:
CPMs $150*
Other voting midwives $75
Student midwife members $40
Aspiring midwife members $25
* Any student member who becomes a CPM or CNM during the year needs to change membership status to full-voting midwife member.
It has been suggested that, in the interest of our commitment to unity, any and all might consider voluntarily paying at the next higher level if possible. This financial commitment would allow VMA to do more for all our members.
There are two ways to join or renew:
Click here for the VMA Membership Mail-In Form.
You may also join or renew your membership (and include an additional amount as a donation, if desired) with PayPal (during the PayPal process, please note whether or not we have your permission to update your contact information in the messaging service).
Director of Membership is currently an open position. You may reach out at membership [at] virginiamidwives [dot] org